I went to An Tir West War last week and had a blast. For those who don't know, ATWW is a major camping event of the Society of Creative Anachronism (SCA). I dressed up in my 12th Century best and volunteered all week to help out at the event. Waterbearing for the heavy armor and rapier fighters, being a Lady-in-Waiting for Her Majesty An Tir... and none of you probably have any idea what all of that is.
Besides that, I have some small announcements; my webcomic Lacrymae is back. For realsies this time. I hunkered down and hashed out a weekly schedule so I don't fall behind in making things again, so yay! Also means that things are gonna kick into high gear for the Etsy as well as the Youtube Channel. Twice daily videos and weekend extra videos are returning, as well as a new "Whenever the hell I feel like an extra video" videos. Yay, more stuff!
But I digress. Back to War. There are few places like an SCA event anymore. It's not a Renaissance Faire; I've been to those, and while SCA events have vendors too, the atmosphere and everything else is completely different. Not to diss Ren Faires, but those are for-profit events. Everyone at SCA events are there because they love history and bringing it back to life. No one is paid to show up; the King/Queen are chosen on merit in heavy fighting, etc. Truly a great place to be if you love and want to learn more about history. You end up living it in a way.
I also won Bacchus Ball too, which is a plus. :)
Your monkey-butt idiot,
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