Thursday, July 10, 2014

On Working Retail

You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy... than working retail.

I work about 28 hours a week; not because I want to work so few, but because my employer won't let anyone not 'full time' go over 30 so they won't have to provide benefits. Problem is, people are leaving for greener pastures and we're understaffed big time. Which means being hounded to get an impossible amount of work done with a skeleton crew.

In short, my knees are killing are and I'm only 22.

Then there's the people. I have met some lovely old ladies and cosplayers while on the job, but for every one of them there's a screaming, bawling child, someone who ignores the no pets sign, two people trying to cut in line, and the "can't you bend the rules?" lady. And then there's the average Joe's and Jane's, which're alright. There are few ways to destroy your faith in humanity more effectively than working in retail. 

I am saying this because I need to vent. Working in retail. Fucking. Sucks. And I will be goddamn happy when I get out of it. But just so you all know; be nice to your cashier. Be nice to your cutter at a fabric store. To your server at a diner. To the drive through person at McDonalds. Only people who have worked retail, worked Black Friday, understand the importance of that. The person before you could've just finished screaming at us for not accepting a month's-passed-expired coupon (don't laugh, it's happened to me) and realize that we are just as human as you and deserve some respect. Most of us aren't working retail because we want to, so let's make it the least painful we can for the lot of us.

A tired retailer,

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