Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Going back to School!

I'm gonna try it again, guys. The first time failed, but I am gonna go back to college. This time, I have help and support I didn't before, and know exactly what I want to go for. It's weird, feeling like I actually have my shit together.

If you're curious, I'm going for Computer Science. My goal is to become a programmer and designer for video games, so someday if you come across a weird glitch in a game, I probably fucked up! 8D

Hopefully this won't affect my Let's Playing. In fact, I should have a bit extra once financial aid rolls around in August to put towards the new computer, so I can do bigger and better LP's, like the Mass Effect or Dragon Age ones I've wanted to do for the longest time. My backlog is starting the grow, so expect weekend bonus LP's to make a return (with a slightly changed lineup for a while) and fun times to be had! Maybe, just maybe, if the backlog gets far enough ahead, I'll go back to uploading two videos a day. We shall see.

Another update; my roommate has a scanner, as I've found out, so I'm gonna abuse it. Meaning; Lacrymae is totally something back on the radar, and in the next couple weeks regular updates on that should resume.

Anyway, that's all I can think of for now.

See you on the other side,

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